Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Flowers, Candles and a Baby Bottle

Walking to the direction of my grandparents grave, I noticed a very small grave.
It was at the left edge of the main pathway, obviously out-of-place there.
It measured a little over 2 x 4 feet, with a very prominent wooden cross placed horizontally over the grave.
It was obviously the grave of a baby or a very small child.
He or she is obviously the child of a poor family.

What immediately caught my attention was the three-fourth's full baby milk bottle placed atop the grave.
In between two flowers and two candle stubs is this very small baby bottle.
The bottle was there 9:30 in the morning and it was still there 7:30 in the evening.
The bottle made me think. I found myself asking these questions:

Who prepared the bottle? Was it the father, the mother, brother, sister, tito, tita, lolo or lola?
What time was the bottle prepared?
Was it real milk inside the bottle?
If it is real milk, is it real infant formula?
If it is real infant formula, was it prepared with the correct combination of milk and water?
Did the person who prepared the milk bottle bought milk or just asked from his or her neighbor?
Was he or she who prepared the bottle crying during the time he or she is preparing the same?

The bottle struck me. For me, there is much love in that baby bottle.
Candles and flowers one most likely buys and have arranged.
But that bottle, one has to prepare. There is much love in that baby bottle.
And maybe, poor as the family is, they may be much rich in love.


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